Thursday, October 11, 2012

October: Breast Cancer Awarness Month

Every 2 minutes, there is a new breast cancer diagnosis.
Every 14 minutes, a life is lost to the disease.
Ninety-six percent of women who find and treat breast cancer early will be cancer-free after five years.
85% of all diagnoses have no family history.
Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women between ages 40 and 55.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, which means we're thinking pink all month long and we're not the only ones. Let's paint the town pink!  How are you raising awareness for the cause?

We love the new Ombre Trend! These little beauties are all for a great cause, so paint away and bring back some of those summery hues.

Claire Danes, Emmy Award Winner pops out this pink dress. It's very important when wearing such a bold color to not let the dress swallow you. Claire Danes does it perfect by keeping her accesories minimal. Her sleek hair complements the eye-catching dress perfectly.

If you're looking for a party dress that will make you stand out, steal Natalie's style! Go short and sweet. She teamed her dress with miniature black clutch taking her from ultra feminine to a little edgy! She rocked this look.
Taylor swift embraced the softer side wearing this pale pink dress.
She did perfect by choosinga dress in a delicate fabric like soft chiffon. She rocked this look with a pop of red lipstick.
Ginner Goodwin masters bold with a simple flair. Her makeup is very clean making her lipstick pop bordering the neon shade.  She reminds us that we should give hot pink a chance!give hot pink a chance.
Shay Mitchell's hot pink blazer is super playful! Her white Tshirt gives it a more subtle look without overpowing her! For winter try to pair it with Some Skinny black jeans!
Cameron diaz wore a slightly different shades of pink keep her outfit looking feminine and flirty.
She stuck with some neutral -grays so her outfit won't clash.

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