Be a tourist in your own city.
Find what tourist attractions are in your city and spend the night acting like tourists, which includes taking cheesy pictures! Here is a great website for those living in the greater Boston area http://www.cityofboston.gov/visitors/thingstodo.asp.
The Open Road
Just get in the car with your sweetheart and drive! You might spend a little on gas, but you’ll create some lasting memories as you travel to a town you have never visited or a famous landmark. You could also revisit the special places around town where you’ve created fun memories and take pictures together.
Night at the Museum
Two tickets to a local museum usually aren’t too expensive. Learn a little about art or history—and each other! Combine this idea with your home-cooked dinner and a movie or game night, and you’ll have a full day of fun. This website has different museums! http://www.museumsofboston.org/index.phpTry a new sport together.

If you’ve never snowboarded, hit the slopes! It will be so much fun to learn something together and try something new!
Go see a play.
Whether at your local community theater, high school or a big production, there is plenty of entertainment available
Only eat or do activities you have coupons for. Try Yipit , http://yipit.com/boston/ . This website filters all the coupon sites into one , so instead of going to 3 daily deal sites you would just have to visit one!
Go bowling. To make things a little more difficult, try different styles like only using your opposite hand, "granny" style, eyes closed, etc.
Make indoor s'mores and read campfire stories. If you don't have a gas stove, you could light candles to cook your marshmallows over!
Restaurant hop. Go to a different restaurant for each course of the meal. Make three stops for an appetizer, main course and dessert. Take turns picking where to go!
Have a spa night. Since your husband/significant other probably isn't into manicures or pedicures, you could try massages, bubble baths, etc. You can buy some white towels and robes to make it really official.
Breakin' records. Read through the Guinness Book of World Records together, and find something the two of you could potentially achieve as a couple and then do it together as a cheap date.

House hunting. Tour some homes and plan out your dream home!
Restaurant at home. Find recipes from some of your favorite recipes online, create a menu
and have a lovely meal at home!
Go to the arcade. Get some quarters and head to your nearest arcade! Play some games and buy prizes with the tickets you win.